Xisnot 9 months ago (edited) Fun fact: The pin is here just to keep the spoon in place. The grenade only initiates when the spoon falls (usually when the grenade is launched).
subasurf 3 months ago A very boring fact. Wasn't fun at all.
If I identified as a dog, and surgically altered myself to look like a dog, that would not make me a dog, no matter how much I wanted to be a dog. (If I identified as a Chess Grandmaster....)
I realize that around half a percent of the population feel like they should be of the opposite sex. One's mental state nor desire causes something to be real. People should deal with their mental health issues as best as they are able...
"Transsexuals and sex-change operations are receiving a great deal of attention. Young people may seek treatment for transsexual attractions at an early age even though these attractions may go away on their own. Psychological conflicts have been identified in these patients and their parents and may be successfully treated. There are serious risks associated with sex change. They include the risk of depressive illness and suicide. Physicians and mental-health professionals should know these risks and the regrets of those who have been through sex-change operations. These patients and their families also should be informed of other treatment options...
In a 2015, Boston study of 180 transsexual youth who had undergone SRS (106 female-to-male; 74 male-to-female), these youth had a twofold to threefold increased risk of psychiatric disorders, including depression, anxiety disorder, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, self-harm without lethal intent, and both inpatient and outpatient mental health treatment compared to a control group of youth"
This would not normally be an issue, except they have tried to force the issue on us. I personally have refused to call a male a female because that would be a lie. They want me to lie to protect someone's feelings. Jordan Peterson became famous for campaigning against compelled speech laws in Canada. His job was threatened. An actress that I very much like, Gina Carano, had her career almost completely ruined for refusing to use preferred pronouns. There was a several month long campaign to get her fired and subsequently she was fired from a show that I like, and her talent agency dropped her.
In England, police penalize people for what they call "non-crimes", which can include statements interpreted as transphobic.
There is a much broader campaign of "divide and conquer." You can see this in every single issue that is controversial right now. Marxists invented "Critical Race Theory" in 1960 because the old class divisions no longer worked. As long as they can divide people into groups opposed to each other, it becomes possible for 10% of the population to control the political agenda.
Part of this strategy is faux outrage. The political left will do something outrageous, and then play the victim when we object to it. This appeals to our empathy because we don't want to victimize anyone, so we are more likely to go along. This includes attacks on free speech, which the far left is completely against.
1 month agoWowThings1133